Nurstead Mental Health & Consulting Services

Counseling - Community Services
24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
About Us
Nurstead Consulting Services is a behavioral health consulting and training firm based in Clovis, New Mexico. Nurstead Consulting Services’ training focus is in topics such as mental health, substance use, ethics, leadership, and wellness, and provides training to a wide array of first responders, clinical staff, and business sectors. Nurstead Consulting Services also performs direct service in behavioral health with a focus on crisis response, and has responded to some of the largest crisis events of the past decade.
Nurstead Mental Health is the direct service arm of Nurstead Consulting Services, which operates mobile crisis team services in Roosevelt and Curry County, Drop-In Center case management and crisis services in Clovis, and outpatient mental health services locally, and addiction treatment options which are offered statewide.
