Smoke on the Water Fireworks Display
It’s time to celebrate America with fun, friends, family, and fireworks! Rooney Moon Broadcasting is proud to partner with the cities of Clovis and Portales, along with Plains Regional Medical Center and McDonalds, to bring you the annual fireworks celebrations. Here is the rundown for this year’s events:
Due to hiring difficulties and supply issues in the Commercial Fireworks Industry, we’ve had to move this year’s Smoke on the Water celebration to July 10th. Like you, we LOVE celebrating America ON JULY 4th. Unfortunately, the nationwide hiring crisis has hit the fireworks industry hard and the company we’ve used for decades to shoot Smoke On the Water fireworks is severely short-handed. But, to make up for it, we’re throwing one heck of a party in the park on July 10th!
Big 1015 is pleased to partner with the City of Clovis, Clovis Lodger’s Tax, the High Plains Community Development Corporation, PRMC, and McDonald’s for this year’s Smoke on the Water: A Summer Celebration. Clovis fireworks will fire on Saturday night, July 10th, at 9pm, weather permitting. The event will be at Greene Acres Park, as always. Everything you love about Smoke on the Water is back again this year: live music, food vendors, fun, give-aways, and of course FIREWORKS!
Join Duffy and Amber from Big Mornings for the pre-launch party from the park on Big 1015! Lot’s of fun, party music to help you celebrate! Then, at 9pm, flip over to our sister station, Mix 107.5, for the official Smoke On The Water Soundtrack.
Big 1015 would like to give a special thanks to Plains Regional Medical Center and your local McDonalds. These two, terrific community partners have teamed up to bring you an amazing display. And the best part, we’re going BIGGER THAN EVER! This year’s fireworks display will be 25% bigger than any display we’ve delivered in the past! Here’s this year’s rundown for July 10th:
- 7:00am City officials will begin closing off the streets surrounding Greene Acres Park.
- 3:50pm Band-Cyndi Kuemmerle
- 5:00pm-5:20pm Change Bands
- 5:20pm-6:35pm Band-Brannon Luscombe
- 6:35pm-7:10pm National Anthem-Sarah McGown, Cannon Honor Guard, Change Bands
- 7:10 pm-8:45 pm Band-Curry County Outlaws
- In Clovis, road closures will be as follows (Please do not use the closed streets for parking): Main Street from 21st to Purdue will be closed from July 2nd through July 5th to allow the fireworks shooter the space he needs to set up. 21st Street from Mitchell to Main, and Mitchell Street from 21st to Purdue will be closed from 1:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. on July 10th.
- If you have the ability and are in close enough proximity to walk to Greene Acres, please do so. That will help with any traffic congestion.
- No weapons of any kind are permitted at Smoke On the Water.
- ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL FIREWORKS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE PREMISES. Use of personal fireworks present a real hazard for the professional display.
- We all love our furry, four legged friends, but THEY may not love the noise and bright lights of the fireworks. Please, consider leaving your pets home for the show.
- All times are subject to change and contingent on weather.

Date and Time
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Greene Acres Park
21st and Mitchell
Clovis, NM 88101